Good job, dumbass...

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Cooking tater tots in a Japanese gas stove isn't too difficult--- You can't leave them in too long, but if you watch them, flip them once, and then leave them in for a few minutes each side--- there you go, perfect reminder of an American school lunch staple.

If you're drinking cheap faux-Japanese beer like me, and you forget that you put them in the range in the first place, not long later they will turn into what someone I know (in describing this picture), referred to as an exposed lava vent... Seriously, I think had I left them in any longer the carbon might have fused into some sort of gem or diamond.

Seriously, what the?

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  • Hey I thought I'd clue you in that I don't live in Japan anymore... more than a few blog posts that nobody reads back I left Japan, but was unable to get back in which completely fucked my relationship up, and well, here I am now... single again. Am I bitter about Japanese immigration, fuck yeah (Sea King!), but what can you do...
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