Hard Gay hard up for hard cash, clever headlines depleted.

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MSN Mainichi has a little fluff article about how Razor Ramon, Hard Gay, coincidentally, NOT this guy may not be quite as rich as we think desipte being on television seemingly constantly this last year.

First, it's not an exageration. It was incredibly easy at any time this last year to turn on the television and hear the signature "fuuuuuuuuuu~~~~". Japanese television is, if anything, mind dullingly repetitious--- which perhaps explains the short life span of talent. How many times can you girate to Livin la Vida Loca before the joke wears thin? Seemingly much much more than you might have ever imagined.

The article doesn't make any claims as to what he's exactly making, some 10 times his pay rate when he was previously with the Shin Kigeki talent group, but then it doesn't actually say that he's living la vida broka either... Like that clever pun? I thought of that all by myself.

Gee, you would think that with the money they save on never having any contestants, audience members, guests, or subjets who aren't the regular run-of-the-mill talent-scam, they could slide HG a few more duckets... At least it will be good to remember when watching, waiting--- praying! ...to see which talent takes home the Mercedez Benz, that the talent are just regular folk like you and me; Hard Gay is just one of us, just a slob like one of us... What if?

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  • Hey I thought I'd clue you in that I don't live in Japan anymore... more than a few blog posts that nobody reads back I left Japan, but was unable to get back in which completely fucked my relationship up, and well, here I am now... single again. Am I bitter about Japanese immigration, fuck yeah (Sea King!), but what can you do...
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